Wednesday, September 15, 2010

random thoughts

just some random things i've been thinking about:

1) computers will never take over humans as long as their speed slows down as time goes by
What i mean by this is you know how all computers (or devices, for that matter) deteriorate over time? With more things being installed in your hard disk, more things in the virtual memory or whatever, the performance ALWAYS goes down.

yet when you think about the human brain, we are constantly inputting new things into it and it becomes FASTER in fact. This is of course due to improvements in neural efficiency and synchronization and whatever (which my term paper is going to be about) but the bottom line is, they get faster.
(yes i know old people's brains deteriorate as well.. but not as bad or fast as how CPUS do)

Thus, if computers are to ever overtake the human race, they need to be designed to actually learn like a human mind and get FASTER with more input. So, go microsoft/apple ~

2) There needs to be more 'reserved' seats on the trains soon.
With Singapore's aging population, it follows that there will be more elderly people soon. In fact, there are already plenty now.

And assuming that Singaporeans are unfeeling people who only give up their seats to old people if and only if they are sitting in the 'Reserved' seats (which seems to be the case sometimes), there needs to be more seats reserved since old:young ratio is becoming bigger.

3) 'No final exam' is definitely not an advantage for a module as i previously assumed. In fact, it could be a negative point.
My French module boasts no final exam, but we just had a mid term test that was 30%, and there will be another one (which I assume will be at the end of the term) that is 30% as well, which are the same percentages as a normal 'final exam'.
So i guess the only difference is that 'final exams' in modules which boast 'no final exams' are still final exams just without the title of 'final exams'.
Hope that made sense.

4) I am an extremely random person and i am proud of it.
As proven by the extremely varied topics in this blog post.
Randomness is a blessing. There will never be stagnancy.

au revoir.